Moorabbin Airport Corporation (MAC) is committed to providing a safe and secure airport for all users and the local community.
It is essential for all customers and contractors to have knowledge of the operational guidelines at Moorabbin Airport, especially if they are required to enter the airside area or perform tasks in close to aircraft.
Please report accidents, incidents or hazards, by using the Accident, Incident, Hazard Report Form. Please provide as much detail as possible. After completion, please email the form to [email protected].
Moorabbin Airport is required (by Part 99 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) to develop and implement a Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) that covers persons who perform, or are available to perform, Safety-Sensitive Aviation Activities (SSAA). The Moorabbin Airport DAMP applies to all Moorabbin Airport personnel, contractors and sub-contractors that perform or are available to perform a SSAA at Moorabbin Airport.
For further information regarding drug and alcohol management at Moorabbin Airport, please click here.
Moorabbin Airport is a regulated airport under the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004. MAC is required to provide effective perimeter security for the airport to act as a deterrent to unauthorised entry. An Access Control System is in operation and all aircraft owners who require access airside will be provided with an access card. Details of this system are supplied separately.
MAC works closely with the Department of Home Affairs, airport customers and airport users to ensure compliance with the act and other regulations.
Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC)
A valid red ASIC is to be properly displayed in the airside security zone of Moorabbin Airport. ASIC is needed if a user needs regular unescorted access to secure areas of Moorabbin Airport. Pilots and other aviation industry participants can apply online for an ASIC.
Rules for ASIC holders at Moorabbin Airport:
Please report anything suspicious immediately to the Police and to a MAC Safety Officer.
A person not in possession of an ASIC, who is not a passenger on a flight, may be permitted airside at Moorabbin Airport if they are wearing a Visitor Identification Card (VIC) pass. For example, an engineer not usually associated with aviation performing repairs on an aircraft airside, or a student pilot who has applied for but has not yet been issued with an ASIC would be required to show and display a VIC pass while on Moorabbin Airport.
As per the terms, in all cases a VIC card holder must be escorted by an ASIC holder while airside. This also means that a student pilot must not be dispatched on a solo flight until they are in possession of an ASIC.
A person can be issued a VIC if they are required to enter a safe area of a security-controlled airport for a lawful purpose, for a maximum period of 28 days within a 12-month period. This is known as the 28-day rule. There is a separate 28-day limit for each airport. The number of days a VIC has been issued at one airport does not count towards the number of days a VIC has been issued at a different airport.
To apply for a Visitor Identification Card (VIC), pre-register via the Visitor Management System here and visit Moorabbin Airport Corporation (66 Bundora Parade, Moorabbin Airport) during office hours to collect your card.
For any questions regarding airside security and access, please contact us.
Airside Driver Authority (ADA)
Persons who wish to drive on the airside must hold a Moorabbin Airport issued Airside Driver Authority (ADA). To apply for an ADA, please:
Authority for Use Airside (AUA)
Vehicles accessing the airside must be issued with a valid Authority for Use Airside (AUA) and be driven by a person issued with a current ADA. To apply for an AUA, please: