We're committed to building a strong and vibrant aviation, industry, and business community while managing and operating the airport in an environmentally responsible way.
The Airport Environment Strategy is required under the Airports Act 1996 and the Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. It identifies the airport lessee company’s (Moorabbin Airport Corporation) objectives for airport environmental management and environmental impact of airport operations. It also describes the environmental management strategies and actions the airport will implement. It is an essential tool used to ensure ground-based activities at the Airport are managed to minimise environmental impact across the site, and surroundings.
The Airport Environment Strategy is reviewed every five years with extensive public consultation undertaken as part of the review.
View the current Airport Environment Strategy in Chapter 11 of the Moorabbin Airport 2021 Master Plan.
We have identified business operations, new customer developments, our own developments, and aircraft operations as the key sources of environmental impact at Moorabbin Airport.
The Act and the Regulations also require operators of leased airports to address how they will manage air quality, water and soil quality, noise, heritage matters, the use of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions.
We have developed an Environment Management System to manage environmental risks associated with our own business. The key risks have been identified and procedures have been developed to manage those risks in consultation with our staff.
To ensure that our procedures are effective in controlling the risks, we undertake an environmental audit of our facilities and operations each year.
To view more information on legacy per-and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) management at Moorabbin Airport click here.
Environmental Site Reviews are undertaken to identify and monitor risks associated with operator activities and facilities at the Airport.
Customers are categorised into three tiers on the based on their potential environmental risk. Assessment of risk is based on the scope of their operations and past performance.
Most Tier 1 and Tier 2 customers also have an Environment Management System or Environment Management Plan. All customers who have been assessed as having operations with significant or moderate environmental risks are encouraged to develop an Environmental Management Plan to manage those risks.
All new developments at Moorabbin Airport are subject to a Development Approval (DA) and Building Approval process. The DA is undertaken by MAC while Building Approval is undertaken by the Airport Building Controller (ABC).
We have a comprehensive Development Approval process to ensure proposed developments are in keeping with our Master Plan and the objectives of our Airport Environment Strategy, as well as meeting the highest building and environmental standards.
All new developments complete an assessment of environmental effects to help us to identify the environmental issues associated with the proposed development. We use this to determine whether further environment investigation is needed and to identify the environmental controls we need to put in place for the proposed development.
Before developments can proceed they must satisfy the Public Consultation guidelines developed by the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities.
Developments that are approved require a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP). This document identifies the environmental risks associated with construction of the proposed development and management strategies that will be used to manage these risks.
Under the Airports Act 1996, certain types of development known as “major airport developments” require preparation and approval of a Major Development Plan (MDP). The Airports Act 1996 defines what constitutes a major airport development. Such developments are subject to environmental assessment and require Ministerial approval prior to commencement.
From time to time incidents occur which have potential to cause environmental harm. The manner in which such incidents are managed will determine the level of environmental harm that occurs. We recommend all airport operators prepare a response strategy for the most common environmental risks associated with their operations.
Please report all environmental incidents to MAC so we can assess whether further action is required to avoid or minimise the environmental impacts of the incident. We also review the information received to determine if we can improve our performance to avoid or minimise similar incidents in the future.
When you report an incident we need to know: WHAT, WHEN and WHERE.
Immediately report spills of fuel and oil greater than five litres to the Airport Safety Officer on 0428 058 295.
All other incidents can be reported to MAC Administration on 03 8587 8000 or via email [email protected].